Friday, February 5, 2010

Can Cb Radio Be Connectet Through Cig Lighter What Is Needed To Start Using A CB Radio?

What is needed to start using a CB radio? - can cb radio be connectet through cig lighter

My father just had a 5th Wheel and actually begin to travel across the country. I thought it would be nice to give a CB radio. It seems as if he wants. I do not know what I need, and a radio. Doing a little research, I see the upscale Uniden and Cobra looks good, even if the radio is switched on only $ 100. What is needed? For example, a power antenna, power supply, brackets? Any help would be great. Thank you very much.


JimW said...

Both Cobra and Uniden radios are good for what you are looking for. If you can, try to create an "LX" model of what the band will have been included in the security situation. RadioShack may contribute to a suitable antenna. Power comes from 2 threads. In most cases you can buy an adapter to connect the cables to go directly to a 12V supply, and connect your phone to connect to. If the guy in the car is to be reduced very well, as soon as the radio tower has been installed and verify that the antenna is configured correctly (SWR Standing Wave Ratio). The mounting hardware are supplied with the radio, if you buy it. Attach the device to reach a place of easy to see, too, and listened.

TimF said...

The best thing to do, go find a toy store with an old-school radio that works .. .. Midland is a good .. Old Radio Shack are good .. Every truck stop antenna kit ... Wilson, in my opinion the best antenna ever .. do not worry SW, R, .. Standing Wave Ratio .. Each antenna is set to modern about 20,000 MHz channel 19 is 27.185Mhz ..... ...... Talk Hook It Up And Go .....

shinobit... said...

It is necessary ... CB Radio ... Antenna ... SWR meter ... Both Cobra and Uniden Suck ... Go with Galaxy ...
You can get what she needs to eat all the drivers, or "Radio Shack"

Socrates said...

There's an old adage, you get what you pay for. CB vary in price and quality, even if part of the price you pay is the functionality. Here are the features you need and is not required.

OFF-ON-volume control, mute, S-) meter (signal strength, the channel selector and display. These are the absolute minimum.

Noise Canceling and / or automatic squelch is so useful by reading the sign of impulsive noise sources such as power lines, electrical noise, fans.

One type of Automatic Gain Control (AGC) or cushioning is good, a strong signal will hold in distorted, but still has the sensitivity to the other signals heard.

Build time into the receiver. Normally receives 3 weather channels or scans for Strongest.

A channel "9" is not necessary to change, but not bad.

A meter measures the SWR (for the adjustment of the antenna) and the modulation may be useful.

All of the above checks, you can almost finished and forgotten.

Manual RF gain CONTROLS and micro levels are welcome, base radios, but on the way down the street.

SSB and checks are just secondary clarifier for serious CBER want to talk to other serious CBERS. Again, it is best to a well-equipped facility based on the left. No need to tinker on the road.

The high price you pay is displayed on the receiver and a better audio quality.

Convertible bonds are designed to work off 12 VDC. The best, without interference form of the LS is directly connected to the battery. If you do this, make sure that the backup takes both positive and negative. A mounting bracket should come with the radio. You could buy a universal mounting bracket, but that does not seem so good.

The antenna to provide the best sign is a 102 "whip." I do not know how his father is sitting with its back on the trolley. The path of the wheel Can 5th Otherwise, do a database or a center for the antenna. What has changed is how we will get into the vehicle. An antenna must be resolved before the application otherwise much of his transmitted signal is again on the radio. Use a SWR (Standing Wave Ratio) meter for this purpose. The store where you buy the radio and / or the antenna can be made.

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